
Down & Dirty Seminar Lands in DC

Scott Kelby and I were in Washington, D.C. last Friday to kick if off the Down & Dirty Tricks seminar tour. The seminar opened to almost 700 people who were eager to learn the latest Photoshop tricks. The day got off to a bit of a shaky start when we encountered some audio issues in the first class, but they were taken care of in good time and we were able to move forward. From there it was a great show loaded with exciting content and quite a few laughs. Scott himself was teaching this time and I was on hand to assist our team and to help with questions in between the sessions. If you attended the event I want to thank you for coming out on a work day and enjoying this day of learning. This day was the first of many coming up. I will be in Richmond, VA, on May 27 then I will be bringing the tour to Canada. I will be in Toronto on June 26 and then Calgary on June 29. You can register for these dates now by going to KelbyTrainingLive.com.

Also, I saw the new Star Trek movie this weekend and I thought it was really well done. The effects were much more like you would expect them to be and some of the performances were a great homage to the original characters. Also check out my newest video tutorial which cover creating a cool Star Trek movie poster effect that was used for the movie. I will be working on other movie based tutorials as more big summer blockbusters will be coming out soon!!!


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